What was happening in India around the time Jesus was born?

What was happening in India around the time Jesus was born?

During the time Jesus was born, which is around 4 BC to 2 BC, India was experiencing the bustling era of the Maurya Empire. This period was marked by significant advancements in political structure, literature, art, and philosophy. Emperors like Ashoka the Great led the empire to its zenith, promoting Buddhism and fostering peace. In the southern part of India, the Chera, Chola, and Pandya kingdoms were flourishing culturally and economically. So, while the Western world was witnessing the birth of Christ, India was undergoing a golden era of its own.

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What was the life expectancy of people in ancient India?

What was the life expectancy of people in ancient India?

From my research on ancient India, it appears the average life expectancy was considerably lower than what we experience today. Many sources suggest it was around 30-40 years, mainly due to the lack of advanced medical care and high infant mortality rates. Despite this, there are records of individuals, particularly sages and scholars, living well into their 80s and 90s. However, these were exceptions, not the norm. Overall, life in ancient India was tough and often short-lived, but it was also filled with rich culture and intellectual growth.

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